I am a control freak in so many ways. Not knowing things drives me insane like nothing else quite can. This past month I've been putting a lot of prep work into transferring my website from Blogger to Wordpress on BlueHost. I'd done so much research into everything I thought I needed to know. I was actually pretty impressed with myself. I felt totally in control and like I could tackle anything.
The time was finally right and I signed up for BlueHost. I had already owned my domain name for quite a while, so I selected the option to transfer my domain name to BlueHost. All was going well. I hadn't researched quite deep enough into the huge ordeal transferring a domain name would be, however. BlueHost made this treacherous journey fairly straightforward, and with as little pain as possible, for which I've grateful. But once all was said and done, instead of being able to go ahead and set up my new website on my old domain, everything was frozen in time. It would take between 3 and 10 days for the transfer to take place! AND I wouldn't be able to actually put together my website until the transfer was over because I naively bypassed the option of setting it up on a temporary address.
And so here I am -- 4 days in and already dying. It's not like it's a brand new site with only a handful of pages and posts to set up. I have 4 1/2 years worth of content that I have to sort through, with thousands of files, not to mention a brand new e-commerce store to get up and running (though that won't be happening until after the main site is fully-functional).
Since nobody asked: what have I done in those 4 days to tide over the anxiety and suffering inflicted upon my every moment by my domain name? Well, I've...
Memorized the books of the Old Testament
I have one week left to Seminary, and being the know-it-all that I've become known as, I had a reputation to uphold!
Found a vintage "The Black Cauldron" plush fair folk
I've found some weird things at Goodwill, but this may be the weirdest. Nobody's even heard of the movie, and it's just a nameless character. Why would they make a plush of it?
Created a cute flyer for a hike I'm not attending
Meaning actually cute. I'm usually a really harsh critic of myself, but it's seriously super fun and professional and almost makes me wish I didn't hate hiking.
Listened to all the 2015 Tony Nominated Musical Albums
The revivals of On the Town and The King and I are great, and Fun Home was so innovative and emotional, but Something Rotten! makes the theater nerd in me so happy!
Compulsively purchased 2 Barbie movies

I've been on a dangerous Barbie kick this past month. I think it's rooted in the denial that I'm going to college in 3 months. But it's hard not to love the shallow, sparkly girl power Barbie movies.
Made a Super Mario Bros. 8-bit Birthday Cake

It was not impressive, but it was amusing constructing an 8-bit Mario out of M&M's.
Logged onto BlueHost 2,000 times

I don't know if they'll notify me or not, so better safe than sorry!
Responded to 20+ emails from people who followed a link on Pinterest and were greeted by a sad, broken Google 404 Error
I guess it's a good thing to have a lot of traffic, but not if your site is offline and there are only so many ways you can satisfy the needs of strangers who are depending on you.
Had a minor freak out because what if nothing has happened and it's been more than 10 days and I actually have to call them on the phone and talk to a real person!
In my world, there would be no phone calls with strangers. Only intelligently phrased emails. But I guess some people don't work that way.
Deep down inside I have a good feeling about all of this. Hopefully once the domain is transferred, I'll be perfectly back on track to executing everything according to schedule. If not, I suppose I can wing it!