Not again!

I have no idea what you're thinking, but I know that I'm thinking "Not again! Deborah has already made too many websites, and nearly all of them have been spectacular failures!" Despite this running through my head over and over, I really feel like this is something I should at least try. For the past several years I've been the somewhat anonymous face behind "The Personal Progress Helper" which is now incredibly successful and an enjoyable and satisfying use of my time. But it isn't me. (Ugh, so cliche!) I absolutely love what I do there and will definitely keep it going, but that website has a very specific purpose, and it isn't for me to talk about everything else that goes on in my brain. Which is why I'm here now.

I don't have a singular topic of focus, because my mind wanders too much, but I think my primary focus will be blogging and design, since I have a lot of experience and I see it as a way of paying it forward, since almost everything I know about blogging and design were learned from hundreds of tutorials on too many blogs to name. I'm excited to see what adventures lie in store for me now!

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